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Environmental issues

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The process of cutting down the trees of a forest.
a long period with little or no rain
mining activity that is undertaken without state permission, in particular in absence of land rights, mining licenses, and exploration or mineral transportation permits
illegal mining
an increase in the world's temperatures, which many scientists believe is caused in part by the greenhouse effect
Global warming
the presence in or introduction into the air of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects
air pollution
A rise in the level of the world's oceans due to the effects of global warming
Rising sea level
a fire, especially in natural surroundings, that burns rapidly and uncontrollably over a large area
Melting of the thick sheets of ice near Antarctica and in the Arctic Ocean near the North Pole
Melting ice caps
the process of making the environment dirty or harmful
the release of substances into bodies of water that makes water unsafe for human use and disrupts aquatic ecosystems
water pollution