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vocabulary 3

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1. One of the most powerful missiles is the P-36M
2. Some missiles destroy everything in their path
1. In all countries there are rebels citizens
2. There are also rebel soldiers
1. Russia invades Ukraine in 2022
2. The Belgians invades little of Guatemala
1. In some wars some people surrender
2. Sometimes it's good to surrender
1. There is a program called the price of history
2. the history is very interesting
1. Russia began to attack Ukraine but now nothing has been heard of it
2. China is attacking Taiwan
1. The military are to: defend, care for and honor their country
2. No military, police or firefighter should accept a bribe to do something bad to their country
1. Now wars are no longer nuclear now they are chemical
2. In te warfare many innocent people die
1. In the Second World War, the countries that were involved were: the former Soviet Union, the European Union, Laotan, etc.
2. Some wars are for absurd ideologies
1. The attack on the twin towers was an act of terrorism
2. There is cybernetic terrorism
1. There are many ideological conflicts in the world.
2. Some conflicts are pointless
1. In 1821 independence was declared
2. The government put a new declaration
1. The battles are bloody
2. In medieval times there were many battles
1. Ancient cities has sieges
2. Ancient Roma has sieges
1. Guatemala has suffered two civil wars
2. The name of these two civil wars are: the Central American civil war and the guerrilla
1. Guatemala has 154 allays
2. Russia has as allies the entire former Soviet Union except the countries that took it away or became independent and not counting Ukraine
1. Civilians are all people who do not belong to the army
2. Civilians can work as teachers, accountants etc.
1. Some Ukrainian women were refugees here in Guatemala
2. Many people are refugees in the world because of wars
1. Pablo Escobar was a terrorist
2. Ayman al-Zawahiri is one of the most dangerous terrorists in the worl
1. Exist diferente types of bombs
2. One of the first nuclear bombs was the RDS-1 bomb, the first Soviet bomb.