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Social Science Grade 3 Unit 1: Maps and plans (R ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A weather forecast map is a thematic map. Is it true or false?
I'ts true.
Thematic maps show information on a particular topic. Is it true or false?
I'ts true.
A physical map shows countries, cities, towns and borders. Is it true or false?
It's false.
A political map shows countries, cities, towns and borders. Is it true or false?
It's true.
A political map shows the land, mountains, oceans, rivers. Is it true or false?
It's false.
A physical map shows the land, mountains, oceans, rivers. Is it true or false?
It's true.
What is letter F?
It's Antarctica.
What is letter E?
It's Oceania or Australasia.
What is letter D?
It's Asia.
What is letter C?
It's Africa.
What is letter B?
It's Europe.
What is letter A?
It's America.
What is number 5?
It's the Southern Ocean.
What is number 4?
It's the Arctic Ocean.
What is number 3?
It's the Indian Ocean.
What is number 2?
It's the Atlantic Ocean.
What is number 1?
It's the Pacific Ocean.
What is number 5?
It's the scale of the map.
What is number 4?
It's the directional marker (or compass rose) of the map.
What is number 3?
It's the toponomy of the map.
What are number 2?
They are the conventional symbols.
What is number 1?
It's the title of the map.
A globe represents the whole Earth on a flat surface. Is it true or false?
It's false.
A globe represents the whole Earth as a sphere. Is it true or false?
It's true.
A world map represents the whole Earth on a flat surface. Is it true or false?
It's true.
A globe represents the whole Earth on a flat surface. Is it true or false?
It's false.
A globe represents the whole Earth as a ______ .
A world map represents the whole Earth on a ______ surface.
Maps help us to calculate the distances between _____ .
Maps help us to calculate the distances _____ places.
Maps help us to calculate the _____ between places.
Maps help us to _____ the distances between places.
Maps help us to know the exact _____ of a place.
Maps help us to know the ____ location of a place.
Maps help us to ____ the exact location of a place.
There are three types of maps, which are...
They are physical (or relief) maps, political maps and thematic maps.
They are drawings of big areas such as the Earth's surface. What are they?
They are maps.
They are drawings of limited places. What are they?
They are plans.
What is number 7?
It's the Southern Hemisphere.
What is number 3?
It's the Northern Hemisphere.
What is number 4?
It's the Greenwich Meridian.
What is number 5?
It's the Equator.
What is number 6?
It's a parallel.
What is number 8?
It's the South Pole.
What is number 1?
It's the North Pole.
What is number 2?
It's a meridian.