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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The dragons are ................. than tigers. (friendly)
The dragons are friendlier than tigers.
Today, Lisa is ......................than yesterday. (happy)
Today, Lisa is happier than yesterday.
Maria is............... than Nick. (tall)
Maria is taller than Nick.
The rabbit is ...............than the turtle. (fast)
The rabbit is faster than the turtle.
What is the comparative form of "enormous"?
more enormous than
What is the comparative form of "long"?
longer than
How is this bear?
It is brown./ It is big./ It is ugly....
How is this zebra?
It is stripes.
How is this giraffe?
It is yellow and brown./Its neck is long.....
How is this dog?
It is white/ It is fluffy/ It is cute....
What word is opposite with "beautiful"?
What word is opposite with "white"?
What word is opposite with "soft"?
What word is opposite with "tall"?
How are they?
They are young.
How is she?
she is tall.
How is this pillow?
It is soft.
How is he?
He is slow.
How is this boy?
He is short.
How is your grandpa?
He is old.
How is this rock?
It is hard.
How is this boy?
He is fast.
How is this pencil?
It is long.