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Environmental Changes

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How does a prairie dog change the Earth?
By digging holes.
How does a beaver change the Earth?
By building a dam that changes the flow of the river.
How does a worm change the Earth?
By breaking up things in the soil and mixing it together
When soil and rocks are slowly broken down by wind and water and moved across the Earth, it is called
When a large amount of water overflows an area, it is called a
A long period of time with little or no rain that leaves land dry is a
Name one way the weather can change the Earth.
Erosion, floods, drought, wind, water, etc.
Name one way animals change the Earth.
Digging holes, building dams, etc.
Name one way plants change the Earth.
Roots growing in cracks of rocks, sidewalks, roads, etc.
Name one way people change the Earth.
Building houses, roads, buildings, etc