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Where can you go to find all your resources you may need?
SharePoint for HRA
True or false. WA has an closing add on that must be said on every call?
True or false. you use the same scripts for ALL states?
False, Kentucky has its own script
How do you void an assessment in CCA?
view history, highlight assessment, click void, and void again
Where does all documentation go under?
Save case, case comments
What sre 2 tabs you can use to see consent on file in SF?
HEDIS/Consents tab and Alerts/Memos/Attributes
How do you pull up an assessment?
Launch the assessment in SF from the " more " tab
WHat resource can you use to figure out who you can speak to on a call?
Caller verification grid
Whats the first thing you do when you pull up a members account?
Verify HIPAA
Whats the difference between WA FIMC and WA BHSO?
WA FIMC is Medcaid, WA BHSO is BH services only seconday plan
What are the filter names and assessment names for WA HRA?
FIMC, FIMC WA health screener & BHSO, BHSO WA health screener
What is the name filter and assessment name for WI?
WI, WI 19 Questions THRA
What is the name filter and assessment name for KY HRA?
KY, Ky Assessment
What is the name filter and assessment name for IL HRA?
HRS, health risk screener
What are the steps to find your manual list for members?
Sharepoint, HRA content, Filter out your name