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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(Answer) Were Amy and Molly in the mountains five seconds ago?
No, they weren't in the mountains five seconds ago.
(answer) Was Elsa in the classroom ten minutes ago?
Yes, she was in the classroom ten minutes ago.
(make a question) No, he wasn't in the nurse's office one minute ago.
Was he in the nurse's office one minute ago?
(make a question)No, they were on the farm two minutes ago.
Were they ______ two minutes ago?
(make a question) They were at the airport seven hours ago.
Where were they seven hours ago?
(Correct) Where was he now?
Where is he now ? / Where was he _____?
(answer) Were they at the concert five years ago?
Yes, they were at the concert five years ago.
(Make a question) I was in the nurse's office five seconds ago.
Where were you five seconds ago?
(answer) Where was her brother ten years ago?
He was in the teacher's office ten years ago.
(Correct)No, he weren't at the snack bar five seconds.
No, he wasn't at the snack bar five seconds.
(Make a question) No, he wasn't in the mountains two years ago.
Was he in the mountains two years ago?
(make a question) Yes, I was in the restroom five minutes ago.
Were you in the restroom five minutes ago?
(Answer) Was your sister in the gym two hours ago?
She was in the gym two hours ago.
(Answer) Where were you and your mom five minutes ago?
We were at the snack bar five minutes ago.
(correct)Were Kris in the hallway eleven hours ago?
Was Kris in the hallway eleven hours ago?
(Correct) Was they in the classroom ten minutes ago?
Were they in the classroom ten minutes ago?