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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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CIERTO O FALSO. If the teacher asks you for your cell phone/headphones/AirPods and you refuse to give it to her, she can contact your parents.
What you should do if you need a pencil?
Go to the "estación de lápices."
CIERTO O FALSO. Homework and classwork not completed on time, may receive full credit.
CIERTO O FALSO. If you have concerns about your grade or about the class, tell the teacher immediately. Two-way communication is vital to your success.
CIERTO O FALSO. Depending on the circumstances, late work may be accepted for full credit if you communicate ahead of time with the teacher.
What should you do if absent?
Talk to the teacher/email the teacher and find the missing assignment in Google Classroom.
Any student caught cheating on an assignment, quiz or test will ___.
automatically receive a zero.
Any student who misses class has up to 5 school days to make-up any missed assignment.
If you miss class, returning upon an excused absence requires proof of an excused absence through the attendance office.
When you do your classwork/homework on time, you show ___.
When you collaborate with everyone equally, you show ____.
When you don't talk over the teacher you show _____.
CIERTO O FALSO. You always need to bring a composition notebook to class.
CIERTO O FALSO. Solo español en la clase.
CIERTO O FALSO. You are allowed to wait at the door a minute before the bell rings.
CIERTO O FALSO. Bad words are allowed in the classroom as long as they are in Spanish.
CIERTO O FALSO. If you finish "actividad de entrada" late, you will get full credit.
Name two things you should do as soon as you get to the classroom.
1. Put your phone away/turn it off. 2. Start working on "Actividad de entrada."
CIERTO O FALSO. Solo agua en la clase.
What are the four steps to go to "el baño"?
1. Ask for permission. 2. Write your name and the time you leave. 3. Leave your phone in the jail. 4. When you come back, write the time you arrived/take phone.
CIERTO O FALSO. Se puede comer en clase.