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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 10 different sports and activities
gymnastics, diving, rowing, ice skating...
Name 7 things we can do on a special celebration day
see a parade, wear costumes, put up decorations, give presents...
Name 10 musical instruments or genres of music
pop music, guitar, classical music, drums, flute...
Name 10 jobs
waiter, photographer, firefighter, nurse...
Name 8 different ways to have an adventure on your vacation
discover a cave, go gliding, go snorkeling, taste different food...
Name 10 places we can find in a big city
university, airport, train station, hospital...
Name 10 adjectives -- with their opposites!
good - bad, dark - light, heavy - light, fast - slow...
Name 9 words related to technology
VR headset, Wi-Fi, smart board, tablet...
Name 10 food items that we can have for breakfast
cereal, yoghurt, jam, pancakes...
Name 8 parts of the house
the front, backyard, roof, gate...
Name 10 items of clothing
t-shirt, pants, trainers, skirt...
Name 10 places (geographical features) in the world
mountains, see, cliffs, hills, canyons...