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Vocabulary 2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1. all people in the world have various abilities
2. An example of a skill is being able to put together a Rubick's cube blindfolded
1. Each person has a different personality
2. there are different personalities in the world
1. The nanobots are very tiny
2. Some chips are very tiny
1. There are two types of getting married
2. for the civilians and for the church
1. they created a nanorobot to remove cancer for now they have only tested it on rats
2. Exist diferente kind of nanobots
1. In the companies use industrially machine
2. The robot is a machine
1. I received a message
2. I sent a message at 10:30 a.m.
1. This person is behave
2. This dog is behave
1. Every big Business has prototype
2. The cellphones has very diferente prototype
1. This person interrupted
2. Interrupted is bad
1. my brother remembered something
2. I remembered where I left my cell phone
1. This antivirus's is safe
2. This application is safe
1. Some bunkers are underground
2. Any person live underground
1. This person destroy his car
2. This person destroy his cellphone
1. In soccer exist diferent technique
2. In karate exist diferent technique
1. The mercedes benz class G63 is a vehicle
2. The motorcycles is a vehicle
1. an office is a workplace
2. The police officer is a workplace
1. This program is complicated
2. This person program his robot
1. My brother the passes semester
2. In the university exist diferent semester
1. Bill Gates and Paul Allen fact Microsoft
2. Steve chen, Chad hurley, Jawed Karim fact YouTube