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Vocabulary 2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Semester: Now a word on the European Semester.
Spring Semester: January–May (16 weeks of instruction)
Get married: Get married, then have a baby.
Get married and settle down? - if that is the end result, then what is education?
Tiny: Tiny room with shower open in bathroom.
They call me Tiny, because I'm the smallest of all the puppies.
Destroy: These virtual weapons can also destroy the physical world.
Confidence is hard to build, but easy to destroy.
Vehicle: Vehicle trying to pass difficult areas.
Vehicle hire at competitive prices without compromising on customer service.
Personality: Only the Social Personality can change or improve easily.
A member of the editorial board of the journals Personality.
Safe: Safe and smooth process.
Quick And Safe The price given by rentalcar was very attractive.
Abilities: It's a family business, but with great knowledge and abilities.
It may be a sign that you have psychic abilities.
Workplace: Check the quality of light in your workplace.
The process of every workplace is very different.
Behave: Behave in a responsible manner, always exercising self-discipline.
Behave as if it was a dream.
Remember: Remember the exact location where you saved all the data.
Remember that the communication is process of double direction.
Fact: Each person should make their own assessment of the facts.
The significance of this case is demonstrated by two facts.
Interrupted: Interrupted sleep is a prime source for packing on the pounds.
The revolution and the current transition have interrupted this process.
Technique: Technique class is the ritual of the present body.
Technique to rebuild in between fights in the so-called hangar.
Message: Message from the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development
The Message from Heaven must be given to all mankind.
Underground: Underground garage and a large storage room included in the price.
Underground cables are an option, but they are more expensive.
Prototype: Prototype is not only visible, but also touchable.
Prototype is in the final stages of testing.
Program: Program free that assigns to each folder a different icon.
Program free for the safe erasure of archives and data.
Nanorobot: I like the nanorobots.
My brother have a nanorotot.
Machine: The machine was decorated with a series of different designs.
See the machine in person and talk to a Representative.