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Multiple Meaning Words

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give two different definitions for "light"
1. light for the dark, 2. when something's not heavy
Give two sentences using "fan" in two different ways.
1. He is a fan of Spiderman. 2. We bought a fan when our AC broke.
Give two sentences using the word "clear" in different ways
1. Clear skies make me want to play outside. 2. Clear your room.
Give a sentence using the word chest in two different ways
1. There was a treasure chest. 2. He accidentally hit his chest
Give two definitions of "change"
1. money, coins 2. something's different
Give two definitions for "brush"
1. the action of brushing your hair 2. the thing you use to brush your hair (object)
Give two different sentences for the word "stamp"
Examples: 1. He stamped the ground. (action) 2. He used a stamp to mail the letter (noun/object)
What are two definitions for the word "stamp"?
1. bring your foot down heavily 2. something used to mail a letter 3. something you get when you do a good job
What definition of "bill" is this: The bird's bill was stuck in the fence.
the bird's beak
Name two definitions for "bill"
1. part of a bird (beak) 2. dollar bill 3. something you need to pay (electricity, phone, rent)
Name two definitions for "bear"
1. the animal 2. to carry the weight of (bear weight)
Name two definitions for "rock"
1. move back and forth 2. rock and roll (music) 3. a stone
Name two definitions for the word "shake".
1. to move up and down (like shaking hands) 2. a cold and delicious drink
Which definition of shake is this: When you first meet, you often shake hands.
to move up and down
Name two definitions for "sticking"
1. to attach something 2. staying with it (like a plan)