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How often is there a Koroneihana/Coronation event?
Every year
Who is Tuheitia?
He is the current Māori king
Why was Potatau Te Wherowhero chosen as the first Māori King?
He had whakapapa links to many waka/iwi
What does the term 'pan-tribal' unity mean?
Multiple tribes coming together as a united group
Where did Wiremu come up with the idea to start a monarchy?
He travelled to England and met with Queen Victoria, there he saw that it was useful/efficient to have one leader
What happened after signing the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840?
There was conflict because the settlers wanted land
Why were Māori communities thriving and wealthy during this era?
Land ownership, provided crops and food, rich agriculture, trade in Aotearoa and abroad
Why was the Kiingitanga established?
To unite the tribes, to stop land sales, to protect the culture
Who is Wiremu Tamihana?
He started the idea of a monarchy to unite the tribes
Who was the second king?
Potatau's son, Tawhiao
Who was the first King?
Potatau Te Wherowhero