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Vocabulary 2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1.-All the persons need to have a safe place in then house
2.-You need to confirm that the things that you do is safe
1.-Im good to remember important things
2.-I need to concetrate to remember things
1.-All the persons have a abilitie
2.-The persons that have many abilities are cool
1.-I have a homework when i need to put facts.
2.-In a investigation you just need to put facts
1.-Tiny workplaces make mi stress.
2.-Have a special workplaces is nice.
1.-Wath i need now is pass the semester
2.-Study in all the semester is important
1.-I like to see thechique about sports but i dint practice any.You can create new techique to do the things for easier.
2.-I like to see thechique about sports but i dint practice any
1.-I don´t want to get married but i don´t now wath wait me in the future.
2.-I look to my uncle get married
1.-Prototype is like do a sketch of a draw.
2.-The protoypes for new things is always interesant
1.-My dog destroy my homework
2.-I step on my clock an i destroy it
1.-I have a good personality :| hahahaha.
2.-Lookin for personality you can describe a person.
1.-Machines produce products.
2.-Many machines are in factories.
1.-I use wathsapp to send messages.
2.-I like to talk sending messages.
1.-When someone interrupted me i get angry.
2.-Just disrespectful persons interrupt you
1.-Some animals have they house underground
2.-I read a story named underground
1.-In the future i wait a fly vehicle.
2.- I like red vehicles
1.-People program it before uploading a video game
2.-Program look like a dificcult thing
1.-I looke fot the first nanorobot in mi villano favorito
2.-Nanorobot are tiny but very useful
1.-I hate little insects
2.-I have a tiny toy
1.-I need to behave in class
2.-Behave is imporant to be a nice person