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J6. Revision

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When you go to bed, you put your head on a ...
To make a smoothie we need a ...
When we have mate, we heat the water in a ...
What do you call this animal?
What do you call this animal?
All the roads are blocked because there was a .... Now it's all covered with snow.
There was a great storm. I could hear a ...
He invited me .... a coffee tomorrow.
to have
He has .... me ... We are going to the cinema tomorrow. It's a date!
asked out
She managed ... a lot lovely photos.
to take
I don't mind ...
washing the dishes / doing the washing-up
They are no longer together. They have... ...
broken up
She ... ... being rude.
apologised for
What do you call this criminal?
What do you call this criminal?
What do you call this crime?
What do you call this crime?
They ... be friends or family. Who knows!
could/ might
She ... be stressed. She ... be enjoying herself.
must, can't
They ... be worried. They ... be relaxed
must, can't
We ... ... ... this photo on Christmas. Or maybe we were just wearing those clothes any other day.
might have taken
She ... ... ... to take the cake on time.
must have forgotten
...the water was very cold, he decided to swim in that lake.
I parked my car in front of a garage. Now I have to ...
pay a fine
Not all that glitters is gold. Don't believe everything that you read on ...
social media