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Student Data Records
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Events are recorded in increments of how many minutes?
15 minutes
A student calls Ms. Stavrakis a bitch. Who would you put for process with?
Ms. Stavrakis
A student gets upset in class and flips their desk over. What behavior would you mark on the SDR?
Property Damage
After multiple warnings, a student continues to use their phone during class. What behavior would you mark on the SDR?
Phone Violation
Two students get into a fight. What response(s) would you circle on the SDR?
Mediation, Processing Log, Loss of Privileges (WPE, etc.), Parent contact, time in resource.
Where does students do lunch detention at?
Susie told the teacher "shut up, I hope you die". For others involved, what would you circle?
A student eloped from the classroom and a code was called. What color would you circle on the SDR?
What is the motivation in this scenario?: Johnny was telling jokes to other classmates during math class.
Obtain peer attention
What is the motivation in this scenario?: During math class, Bobby eloped out of the classroom when Ms. Olmetti handed him a worksheet.
Avoid Task/Activity
T/F: When a physical restraint is being documented you should always circle the "Y" in the top left corner of the SDR
What is an example of a location on the SDR?
Classroom, gym, art, hallway, resource, bathroom, lunch line, playground, bus, CIBS, library, office, ETC.
When a teacher/para is done completing an SDR, it should be given to _______.
Social Worker
T/F: You should include the exact words a student said on an SDR
T/F: You should use the names of all other students involved on the SDR
What does SDR stand for?
Student Data Record