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My school is a community and an organization

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are parents partof the organization of Alpamayo?
The teachers ar not part of a community?True or false?
Give examples of communities.
School community, family, etc.
Does the school have a janitor?
Who is the head of guidance and families?
Wlter Espinoza
Who is the coordinator of High?
Johan Fripp
Who is the head of studies of Alpamayo?
Fernando Coronado
are the students part of the school community?
My parents are part of a community. True or false?
Draw a graphic organizer of Elementary.
Elementary, coordinator, teachers, students, parents.
Peru is a community! True or false?
A group of animals is a community. True or false?
A community is a place where only one person can live. True or false.
Whos is the head of Studies?
Fernando Coronado.
What is an organization?
People where member have different responsibilities.
What is a janitor?
a helper, maintenance personel.
Can you say the name of an Administrative worrker?
Jesus Mancilla.
What is the name of the Principal of our school?
Renzo Forlin.
Is Alpamayo a community?
Yes, because. . . . .
which people work in Alpamayo?
Principal, teachers, janitors, etc.