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vocabulary 2 #4

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bee a yellow and black flying insect that makes honey and can sting you
noun a bee stung me
marine biologist Marine biologist is a marine biologist who studies the biology of the sea
noun I want to be a marine biologist when I grow up.
shark a large fish that has sharp teeth and a pointed fin on its back
noun I saw a shark
dolphins a sea mammal that is large, smooth, and grey, with a long, pointed mouth
noun I saw a dolphin
seed a small, round or oval object produced by a plant and from which, when it is planted, a new plant can grow:
noun I eat seeds
fruit fruit nutritional mass of vitamins
noun I eat fruit
flowers flower plant with scent of many colors
noun I have a bouquet of flowers
horse: a large animal with four legs that people ride on or use for carrying things or pulling vehicles:
noun I ride a horse
cream: the thick, yellowish-white liquid that forms on the top of milk:
noun I pour cream on the beans
butter: a pale yellow solid food containing a lot of fat that is made from cream and is spread on bread or used in cooking
noun I eat butter
wool:the soft, thick hair that grows on the bodies of sheep and some other animals
noun wool is used for clothing
cheese: a food made from milk, or from a milk-like substance taken from plants, that can be either firm or soft and is usually yellow or white in colour
noun the pizza has cheese
honey :a sweet, sticky, yellow substance made by bees and used as food:
noun I eat honey
milk :the white liquid produced by cows, goats, and sheep and used by humans as a drink or for making butter, cheese, etc.
noun I pour milk on my cereal
produce :to organize the practical and financial matters relating to the preparation of a film, play, or television or radio programme
verb the radio produces music
pollinate : pollinate is when a bee puts pollen on a plant
verb the pollinous bee the flower
herda: large group of animals of the same type that live and feed together:
noun I have a herd of cows
therapy animal :Animal therapy is when you use an animal for atherapy
noun I use a therapy animal
sheepdog :a dog trained to help people control sheep and move them in the direction wanted
noun I have a shepherd dog
service animal an animal that has been specially trained to help someone, for example a guide dog (= a dog trained to help a blind person move around safely):
noun I had a service animal