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Vocabulary 2
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Eyes: He has no sight in his left eye.
Noun Her eyes are blue, but my eyes are brown
Hands: Hold your fork in your left hand and your knife in your right hand.
Noun I suspected that he had a hand in the game.
Feeling: I had a tingling feeling in my fingers.
Noun The feeling of brotherhood among the participants was very strong.
Taste: When preparing meals, you need to think about variety and taste as well as nutritional value.
Noun My taste is too expensive for a man like you.
Touch: He touched the girl on the arm to get her attention.
Noun She was able to get in touch with Diane Kender.
Smell: My hands smell of onions.
Noun The chlorophyll freshens the mouth and provides a good smell.
Sound: They could hear the sound of a bell tolling in the distance.
Noun For a mini speaker, the sound is loud and beautiful.
Sight: If your sight is poor, you should not drive a car.
Noun Don't let him out of your sight, and be careful.
Sour: Overnight, it seemed, their relationship had turned sour.
Adjective His sour mood is unbearable.
Soft: I like chocolates with soft centres.
Adjective It´s sand is soft and dense, full of small shells
Smooth: This custard is deliciously smooth and creamy.
Adjective The cadence in the kizomba is very smooth and harmonious
Smoky: our clothes smell after being in a smoky pub.
Adjective If you smoke, now is a good time to quit
Shiny: The book was bound in shiny green leather.
Adjective Bright shiny nails are an absolute magnet for the eyes.
Scared: He's scared of spiders.
Adjective She wants to visit her cousin but is too scared.
Rough: It was a rough mountain road, full of stones and huge holes.
Adjective The 10 hectares of land are on a rough terrain.
Loud: I heard a loud bang and then saw black smoke.
Adjective The noise was so loud that it hurt my ears.
Fragrant: He said that it smelled fragrant and it tasted pure and sweet.
Adjective These roses are beautiful, but they are not very fragrant.
Excited: An excited crowd waited for the singer to arrive.
Adjective He was excited to share his idea with the tribe.
Bright: He said hello and I felt my face turn bright red.
Adjective This apartment of 90 m² is very bright and pleasant.
Bitter: I feel very bitter about my childhood and all that I went through.
Adjective Extracts of the herb have a very bitter taste.