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Vocabulary 2 Unit 4

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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bee:animal that produces honey and is an invertebrate insect
Part of speach:NOUN. I love te bee
marine biologist:person who studies the ocean and the species within
Part of speach:NOUN.my mom's friend is a marine biologist
shark:marine animal and one of the most dangerous animals
Part of speach:NOUN. I have a stuffed animal that my grandfather gave me of a shark
shark:marine animal and one of the most dangerous animals
Part of speach:NOUN. I have a stuffed animal that my grandfather gave me of a shark
dolphins:sea ​​animal
Part of speach:NOUN.I see a dolphin when i go to the beach
seed:seeds produced by plants
Part of speach:NOUN.y love the seeds
fruit:healthy sweet food
Part of speach:NOUN.my favorite fruit is the watermelon
Part of speach:NOUN.my favorite flower is the rosa
horse:vertebrate animal
Part of speach:NOUN.my cousin loves horses
Part of speach:NOUN.I love cream with beans
Part of speach:NOUN.My friend mafer love the butter
wool:it is obtained from the sheep and is used to create clothes
Part of speach:NOUN.my favorite blouse is wool
cheese:product that is created with milk and other condiments
Part of speach:NOUN.My hamster love the cheese
honey:food produced by bees
Part of speach:NOUN.I love the honey with pancakes and butter
milk:edible liquid produced by cows, goats, etc.
Part of speach:NOUN.I like the milk of a goat :)
produce:create a chain of some products
Part of speach:VERB.My grandfather produces Chinese food.
pollinate:Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the male part of one flower to the female part of another or the same flower.
Part of speach:VERB.the pollination of flowers that lack petals is carried out by means of the wind
herd:a group of animals of one species that moves to another place
Part of speach:NOUN.in the field I saw a herd of sheep
therapy animal:they are animals or dogs that arrive at hospitals and etc. that help the sick
Part of speach:NOUN.en el hospital herrera llerandi son animales de terapia
sheepdog:is a dog that helps with the work of the farm
Part of speach:NOUN.in the farm I see a sheepdog
Service animal:service animal is when an animal help a person that needs specials careful
Part of speach:NOUN.my grandfather have a service animalse