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17an di Point English (low 2 FINAL)
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is a National Hero from Maluku? (Sisingamangaraja / Imam Bonjol / Pattimura)
The capital city of West Java is ......... (Cirebon / Bandung / Surabaya / Pekalongan)
How many feathers are there on the neck of Garuda Pancasila? (17 / 45 / 8 / 20)
How many feathers are there on each wing of Garuda Pancasila?
are / there / feathers / eight / tail / Garuda Pancasila's
There are eight feathers on Garuda Pancasila's tail.
What time was The Proclamation of Indonesian Independence read? (08.00 / 09.00 / 10.00 / 12.00)
Who was the fIrst vice President of Indonesia? (Ir. Soekarno / Jusuf Kalla / Mohammad Hatta)
Mohammad Hatta
Sing a traditional song!
I am small and colorful. I have got big wings. I live in gardens. I love flowers. I used to be a caterpillar. What am I?
I'm a type of animal that starts with the letter Z. I'm like a horse. I'm black and white. What animal is it?
I fly in the air. I eat seeds and worms. I say “Tweet, Tweet.” What am I?
What is the capital of Indonesia? (Padang / Medan / Bandung / Jakarta)
Who is the vice president of Indonesia?
Ma'ruf Amin
Apa lambang negara Indonesia?
Garuda Pancasila
Mention Pancasila (1-5)
Great JOb!!!
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