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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What kind of play is this?
history or tragedy
How does Hamlet kill Claudius?
he stabs him after the duel
What does Horatio say to Hamlet at the end?
Farewell, sweet prince!
How does Claudius try to kill Hamlet in the duel?
he poisoned his drink and the sword
Who duels with Hamlet?
How and why did Ophelia kill herself?
drowning, she found out Hamlet killed her father
Who rescued Hamlet, and why were they scared?
Danish Pirates, they realized they kidnapped the Danish Prince
What does Hamlet ask the actors to do?
to act out his father's murder for Claudius
Who does Hamlet kill in his mothers chamber?
Polonius, Ophelia's father
Why does Hamlet pretend to be crazy?
If people thought he was crazy, he could say whatever he wanted without suspicion.
What country is Hamlet from?
Who tells Hamlet that Claudius kills his father?
His fathers ghost
What is Hamlet's mothers name?
How does Horatio say Hamlet's father dies?
Snake bite