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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where can you find the self-reporting form for class discipline?
Google Classroom
What high school did Mrs. Yarbrough go to?
Name a sport Mrs. Yarbrough played in school.
basketball, volleyball, track
Where should you check for missing assignments from when you are absent?
Google Classroom and the "While You Were Out" folder
How many points do you lose each time you miss homework?
How many points do you lose per day for late work?
If you are absent, how many days do you have to make up work?
What sport does Mrs. Yarbrough coach?
girls' basketball
When are you allowed to go to the restroom?
After AA, class changes, before lunch, after lunch
What if you get to class and you realize you don't have a pencil?
Borrow one from the pencil holder.
What is Mrs. Yarbrough's dog's name?
Elton or Camber
Who is in charge of issuing lockers?
Mrs. Linder
When are you allowed to have your cellphone?
It should never be out in school.
How many children does Mrs. Yarbrough have?
Where do you turn in your classwork?
In the basket for your class
What should you do if your chromebook isn't charged?
Plug it into the cart if we are not using it in class.