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Properties of matter

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Identify if homogenous or heterogenous. Salad
Identify if homogenous or heterogenous. Coffee
Identify if homogenous or heterogenous. BRASS
Has a nonuniform composition and its properties vary in different parts of the mixture.
Has a uniform composition and exhibits the same properties in different parts of the mixture.
Made up of 2 or more kinds of atoms.
They are composed only of 1 kind of atom.
A type of matter composed of several components.
A matter composed of only one component.
Pure substances
A property of matter that does not depend on the amount of matter present. Density, Melting and Boiling point.
Intensive Property
A property of matter that change their value when the amount of matter or substance is changed. Mass, size and weight.
A change in composition occurs during the determination or measurement of these properties.
chemical properties
During the determination or measurement of these properties no change occurs in the composition of the matter.
physical properties
Refer to the qualities/ attributes that distinguish one sample of matter from another.
properties of matter
Refers to the different components of matter along with their relative proportions.
Composition of Matter