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17an di Point English (high)
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If there’s a meeting you have to go to You’ll need to know the time and place Something that can help with one of these things Has two or three hands over its face
If you are in a creepy house And hear an unusual sound It might be this apparition Who can be seen floating around
I can be decorated but I’m not a house I can be boiled but I’m not a kettle I have a shell but I’m not a crab I can be cracked but I’m not a joke I come from a chicken but I’m not a nugget
Who is the vice president now?
Ma'ruf Amin
What time was The Proclamation of Indonesian Independence read? (08.00 / 09.00 / 10.00 / 12.00)
at 10.00
The original Indonesian Declaration of Independence was typed by .............. (Sayuti Melik / Bung Karno / Bung Hatta / Laksamana Maeda)
Sayuti Melik
Sing the song of "Hari Merdeka"
Great job!
Sing a traditional song!
Well done!
Where is Frans Kaisiepo from? (Borneo / Papua / Sumatra)
The National Hero in a banknote of Rp. 10,000 is ....... (Frans Kaisiepo / Djuanda Kartawidjaja / MH Thamrin)
Frans Kaisiepo
Who is this National Hero? (Imam Bonjol / Sisingamangaraja XII / Jendral Sudirman / Teuku Umar)
Sisingamangaraja XII
What is the color of Netherland's flag?
red, white, blue
How many feathers are there on the TAIL of Garuda Pancasila?
How many feathers are there on each wing of Garuda Pancasila?
Indonesia's national motto? (Unity in Diversity)
The national emblem or coat of arms of Indonesia is called ...............
What do we call Indonesian National flag?
Sang Saka Merah Putih
Who was the first vice president of Indonesia?