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Exploration and Historical Eras

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which President made the Louisiana Purchase?
Thomas Jefferson
Which president proclaimed Europe stay out of the Western Hemisphere?
James Monroe
Under which President did more white males get to vote?
Andrew Jackson
Give an example of a primary source
diary, letter, Washington's teeth, bullet from Abe Lincoln
Name something from the era of Sectionalism
sectional feelings
Name something that happened during the Age of Jackson.
Anything on Jacksonian democracy
Name something happening during the Industrial Revolution.
anything about the first industrial revolution
Name something that happened in the American Revolution era.
various answers
Religion would fall under what PEGS?
Give an example of economics. DON'T say money.
how people make a living, supply and demand, production and supply,
Give an example of politics.
Government, etc. (teacher discretion)
How many historical eras are there in our class?
What is the last era in our class's historical timeline?
Reconstruction and can include Civil War
In what era was a plan of government written for the American colonies?
In what era did English colonist in North America start a war?
American Revolution
What did Europeans unknowingly bring to the Americas that reduced the numbers of indigenous people?
Which country destroyed Aztec culture?
All European countries were seeking a faster all ____________ route to ____________
water, asia
What did the English NOT find in North America?
The English came for __________ at first.
Which country came for beaver fur?
Indigenous refers to . . .
originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native
Spain seeking gold in the Americas would belong in what historical era?
Exploration/ Colonization