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Science Revision

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do mammals, reptiles, birds and adult amphibians use to breathe?
What covers the body of a fish?
What covers most mammals' bodies?
Skin, hair or fur
What do fish use to breathe underwater?
What vertebrate groups are oviparous?
Birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians
What vertebrate group is viviparous?
What does "oviparous" mean?
That they lay eggs
What does "viviparous" mean?
That they give birth to live young
Name the 5 groups of vertebrate animals
Mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians and fish
What does "vertebrate" mean?
That they have a backbone or spinal column
Name the two groups the Animal Kingdom is divided into
Vertebrate and invertebrate animals
Name the two groups the Plant Kingdom is divided into
Seed plants and non-seed plants
Name the 5 kingdoms in science.
Animal, Plant, Monera, Protista, Fungi
What is a "kingdom" in science?
A group of living things with similar cells
Which organ of a plant absorbs sunlight and carbon dioxide?
The leaf
What are the four levels of organization?
Cell, tissue, organ, system
What do plant cells have outside the membrane to protect them?
The cell wall
Which organelle produces chlorophyll?
The chloroplast
What's the name of the gel-like liquid in which organelles float?
Which organelle sorrounds and protects the cell?
The membrane
Which organelle is the brain of the cell?
The nucleus
What basic life process involves taking essential nutrients from the environment?
What basic life process involves making new members of a specie?
What are the seven basic life processes?
MRS. GREN ( Movement, Reproduction, Senitivity, Growth, Respiration, Excretion and Nutrition)
What is "biodiversity"?
The variety of living things