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. A cylinder when the top and bottom faces are not perpendicular to each other.
Oblique Cylinder
It is a solid figure with a uniform circular cross-section.
It is the other term for non-right prisms.
Oblique Prisms
A solid figure in which the base is bounded by a simple closed curve and the curved surface tapers into a point called the apex, which is opposite to the base.
A solid figure in which one of the faces are a polygonal base and the other slant faces are triangles joined to the edges or side of the base.
A solid figure with uniform polygonal cross section and it is named after its polygonal base.
It is a three-dimensional figure that is perfectly round in shape
What type of 3D figure is this?
What type of 3D figure is this?
Triangular Pyramid
What type of 3D figure is this?
What type of 3D figure is this?
Triangular Prism
What type of 3D figure is this?
It is a plane figure with seven straight sides and seven angles.
It is a plane figure with six straight sides and six angles.
It is a plane figure with ten straight sides and ten angles.
It is a polygon with all sides equal and all angles equal.
Regular Polygon
It is a plane figure formed by having three straight edges as its sides with three vertices and three interior angles.
A simple polygon in which at least one of its interior angles is more than 180⁰.
Concave Polygon
It is half of the diameter.
A type of angle measures between 90⁰ and 180⁰
Obtuse Angle
A type of angle measures between 0⁰ and 90⁰
Acute Angle
It is type of polygon with eight sides and eight angles.
It is a polygon in which all its interior angles are less than 180⁰.
Convex Polygon
It is a type of polygon with five sides and five angles.
It is a plane figure with three or more straight edges as its sides.