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Puhihiua & Pango

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What kind of taonga/treasures were given as gifts at the wedding?
huia and albatross feathers, clothes, pounamu
What happened after Puhihuia had fought all of her mother's best warriors?
Her mother agreed to let them marry
What did Puhihuia's mother do when she found out her daughter had run away?
She followed her to Awhitu and then sent her best warriors to fight Puhihuia
How did Puhihuia escape with Ponga to Awhitu?
She snuck into the waka and left with them
Why did the families/iwi not approve of their love?
Because the tribes were in conflict with each other over the best fishing grounds
What did Puhihuia take with her when she went into the night to meet Ponga?
A calabash, to collect water and a lit torch to see in the dark
How did Ponga get Puhihuia to meet him the next night?
He pretended to be thirsty and asked someone to bring him water, Puhihuia's mother woke her up to fetch some water
Ponga couldn't take his eyes off Puhihuia when she was....?
singing waiata and dancing
True or False: Puhihuia was the daughter of a high-ranking chief
Why were the tribes in conflict with each other?
Because they both wanted the best fishing grounds
Where is Awhitu located?
Manukau Harbour
Where is Pango from?
Where is Puhihuia from?
Maungawhau / Mt Eden