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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If we _____(arrive) earlier, we_____ (see) John.
If we had arrived earlier, we would have seen John.
If you ______(not/be) late, we______ (not/miss) the bus.
If you hadn't been late, we wouldn't have missed the bus
*He ____________ the exam if he _______________ harder. (Not pass/ not study)
He would have not passed the exam if he had not studied
*I___________ you if you ____________ me. (Help / ask)
I would have helped you if you have asked me.
Alice: "I spent all my pocket money on Monday."
Alice said she had spent all her pocket money on Monday.
Simon: "David was ill."
Simon said that David had been ill.
Christopher: "Do you want to dance?"
Christopher asked me if I wanted to dance.
''My plane will be two hours late.'' John said ..................
His plane would be two hours late.
"He missed his flight last week"
She said he had missed his flight the week before
"My mum can't touch her toes"
He said his mum couldn't touch her toes
"Have you ever been famous?"
He asked me if I had ever been famous.
"Don't touch the wall"
She told me not to touch the wall
He asked me. "Do you speak English?"
He asked me if I spoke English.
"Where does Peter live?". she asked him
She asked him where Peter lived.
"I haven't seen Amy recently". Steve said.
He said he hadn't seen Amy recently
Steve said."My sister has had a baby".
Steve said she had had a baby
Paul said. 'I woke up feeling ill'
Paul said (that) he had woken up feeling ill
"I'll phone you when I get back"
He said he would phone me when he got back
We said. "We don't have much free time".
They said they didn't have much free time.
"I can't come to the party on Friday". She said.
She said that she couldn't come to the party on Friday.
They said. "John has a new job".
They said that John had a new job.
"I want to buy a car". He said.
He said that he wanted to buy a car.
She said."I'm going to learn to drive".
She said that she was going to learn todrive.
'My parents are fine'. Anna said.
Anna said that her parents were fine.