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Navigate Elementary Unit 8 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a sentence negative: I looked around the city on my last city break.
I didn't look around the city on my last city break.
Make a sentence negative: I borrowed some money from him last week.
I didn't borrow any/ - money from him last week.
Make a sentence negative: He won the Olympic Games in 2012.
He didn't win the Olympic Games in 2012.
Make a sentence negative: My mum made a cake for my birthday a year ago.
My mum didn't make a cake for my birthday a year ago.
Make a sentence negative: I went fishing with my friend three days ago.
I didn't go fishing with my friend three days ago.
What's the past form: SAY to me
said to me
What's the past form: STAY in the hotel
stayed in the hotel
What's the past form: PLAY football
played football
What's the past form: MEET someone
met  someone
What's the past form: BE in Spain
was/were in Spain
What's the past form: THINK about travelling
thought about travelling
What's the past form: GIVE me a book
gave me a book
What's the past form: LOSE weight
lost weight
What's the past form: MAKE a plan
made a plan
What's the past form: HAVE dinner
had dinner
Make a question from the words, add the neccessary word: long / how / stay / you / in / Brazil / vacation / last?
How long did you stay in Brazil last vacation?
Make a question from the words, add the neccessary word: you / usually / a sleep/ have / long / journeys / on?
Do you usually have a sleep on long journeys?
Make a question from the words, add the neccessary word: last autumn holiday/ your / you/ like
Did you like your last autumn holiday?
Make a question from the words, add the neccessary word: do/ what/ you/ last holiday?
What did you do last holiday?
Put the missing verb in the correct form of the verb: Our flight was at 7.30 a.m. But we ... our plane because we were late :(
Our flight was at 7.30 a.m. But we missed our plane because we were late :(
Put the missing verb in the correct form of the verb: Sasha ... on holiday to the mountains last year. She ... her backpack and ... to the mountains.
Sasha went on holiday to the mountains last year. She took her backpack and trekked/travelled/went to the mountains.
Put the missing verb in the correct form of the verb: It was our family holiday. We ... an apartment by the sea.
It was our family holiday. We rented an apartment by the sea.