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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which is different in line 4?
This (the second picture) is different because he is swimming in the water. In these (the other pictures), people are using the water to wash something.
Which is different in line 3?
This (fish) is different because it is small. All the others are big.
Which is different in line 2?
This (shopping) is different because she is buying something but in the other pictures, they are painting something.
Which is different in line 1?
The book is different because it’s not a fruit.
Describe picture 4
Fred’s brother is looking at his plate. He must be angry. He doesn’t know where his chips are. Fred’s sister is laughing and Fred is eating chips. Fred’s mum d
Describe picture 3
Fred hasn’t got any dinner left. He looks hungry. He is taking some chips from his brother’s plate. His brother can’t see him because he is talking to his mum
Describe picture 2
Fred and his family are at the dinner table. Fred’s brother is chatting to his mum. Fred and his sister are eating their dinner. Fred only has three chips left
Describe picture 1
Fred is in the kitchen. It is dinner time. He’s got fish and chips for dinner. His mum’s saying ‘Here’s your dinner, Fred.’
Look at this picture. What is the difference?
In this picture, It is cloudy. In this picture, It is sunny.