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vocabulary 1

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Forward-thinking: in favor or innovation and development.
Forward-thinking: in favor or innovation and development.
Forward-thinking: in favor or innovation and development.
Forward-thinking: in favor or innovation and development.
High-rise:(of a building) having many floors.
High-rise:(of a building) having many floors.
Human-like: having the nature or appearance of a human.
Human-like: having the nature or appearance of a human.
Mass produced: manufactured in very large quantities by machines.
Mass produced: manufactured in very large quantities by machines.
Remote-controlled: control of a system by electronic or mechanical means from a distance.
Remote-controlled: control of a system by electronic or mechanical means from a distance.
Self driving: referring to a vehicle that can drive itself.
Self driving: referring to a vehicle that can drive itself.
Self sufficient: able to provide for own needs without depending on others.
Self sufficient: able to provide for own needs without depending on others.
Three dimensional: having or appearing to have length, breadth, and depth.
Three dimensional: having or appearing to have length, breadth, and depth.
World changing: causing an impact on the whole world.
World changing: causing an impact on the whole world.
Algorithm: a set of instructions that calculate an answer to a mathematical problem.
Algorithm: a set of instructions that calculate an answer to a mathematical problem.
Analyze: to investigate something .
Analyze: to investigate something .
Artificial intelligence: the use of computers to imitate.
Artificial intelligence: the use of computers to imitate.
Assembly line: a line of workers or machines in a factory.
Assembly line: a line of workers or machines in a factory.
Automated: operated by machines or computers to reduce the work done by humans.
Automated: operated by machines or computers to reduce the work done by humans.
Computarized: operated or controlled by a computer.
Computarized: operated or controlled by a computer.
Computarized: operated or controlled by a computer.
Computarized: operated or controlled by a computer.
Computarized: operated or controlled by a computer.
Computarized: operated or controlled by a computer.
Humanoid: resembling a human.
Humanoid: resembling a human.
Implant: a device with a specific function that is inserted into the body.
Implant: a device with a specific function that is inserted into the body.