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Vocabulary 1 Unit 4
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kangaroo: any herbivorous marsupial of the family Macropodidae, of Australia and adjacent islands, having a small head, short forelimbs, powerful hind legs used for leaping, and a long, thick tail: several species are threatened or endanger
noun: The kangaroo lives in droves in the open grassy plains.
alarm: an automatic device that serves to call attention, to rouse from sleep, or to warn of fire, smoke, an intruder, etc.
verb/noun: In the distance, an alarm sounded.
midnight: the middle of the night; twelve o'clock at night.
noun: At midnight dancing was still going on.
hyena: a doglike carnivore of the family Hyaenidae, of Africa, southwestern Asia, and south central Asia, having a coarse coat, a sloping back, and large teeth and feeding chiefly on carrion, often in packs.
noun: The striped hyena is scattered over the country sparsely.
hippo: A hippopotamus.
noun: that's a hippo
snake: any of numerous limbless, scaly, elongate reptiles of the suborder Serpentes, comprising venomous and nonvenomous species inhabiting tropical and temperate areas.
noun: What if a snake had been in those bushes?
monkey: any of more than 250 species of simian primates belonging to the two distinct lines of New World monkeys and Old World monkeys.
noun: Your monkey is safe.
lion: a large, usually tawny-yellow cat, Panthera leo, native to Africa and southern Asia, having a tufted tail and, in the male, a large mane.
noun: There was a lion in the linen closet and no one wanted to reach for the towel.
zebra: any of several horselike African mammals of the genus Equus, each species having a characteristic pattern of black or dark-brown stripes on a whitish background: all zebra species are threatened or endangered.
noun: The zebra, giraffe and the rare okapi are found in the north-eastern borderlands.
zoo: Also called zoological garden. a parklike area in which live animals are kept in cages or large enclosures for public exhibition.
noun: She felt like she was at the zoo, standing in front of the cage of a hungry lion.
poach: to trespass, especially on another's game preserve, in order to steal animals or to hunt.
noun: I practice poach
capture: to take by force or stratagem; take prisoner; seize.
verb: We will set up our plan to capture him.
wild: living in a state of nature; not tamed or domesticated.
adjective: He was a bit wild at times, but a good kid.
species: a class of individuals having some common characteristics or qualities; distinct sort or kind.
noun: Some species show fermentative power.
refuge: shelter or protection from danger, trouble, etc.
noun: Angra served as a refuge for Queen Maria II.
habitat: the natural environment of an organism; place that is natural for the life and growth of an organism.
noun: Vipera have the same habitat in British waters as certain species of soles.
deforestation: the clearing or severe thinning of a forest or other wooded area, leaving few or no trees.
noun: The process of reckless deforestation is perceptible in certain districts.
creature: Anything created, animate or inanimate.
noun: What kind of creature could do this?
captivity: the state or period of being held, imprisoned, enslaved, or confined.
noun: That this law was not observed before the captivity we learn from Lev.