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Vocabulary 1

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1.-Applications usually have algorithms to follow our tastes.
2.-Algorithm is a thing that i dint understand very well
1.-Computer controlled are cool.
2.-I like computer controlled.
1.-I analyze situations to answer a it.
2.-Analyze things before doing it is the best.
1.-THe humanois ever looke so serious :|.
2.-I din´t want to see or talk with a humanoid they have a thing that scary me
1.-I want a self dirving car hahahaha.
2.-Self dirving cars are very beautifuls
1.-Assembly line look like a hard process
2.-Assembly line is a thing do for machines and humans
1.-I have a automated alarm.
2.-when i need to remember something i put a automated schedule.
1.-The persons wo are self sufficient have mental health
2.-The persons wo are self sufficient we are okey with thw only opinion
1.-When a product mass produced that make a big contamination in the world
2.-The mass production around the world is extrem
1.-I din´t like to be in the top of a high rise
2.-I din´t like high rises
1.-When i have a dificult decision making i search fot others opinions.
2.-I have dificults decision making when i want to sleep but i have homework
1.-Some robots are human like
2.-Things that are human like but it isnt are human make me scary a bit.
1.-Some actions of the humans make a big world changing
2.-The wars makes a extreme world changing
1.-The artificial intelligence we are created with the time.
2.-The artificial intelligence is a big advance to the human.
1.-People go to the dentist to receive a dental implant.
2.-people go to an operation to receive an implant.
1.-I like three dimensional animation
2.-Things in three dimentional have more perspective.
1.-I loke in a store a dorn to remote controlled
2.-I want a robot to remote controlled
1.-I computarized a work.
2.-Computarized thing can help you to have more accessibility.
1.-If you forward thinking yo gonna wait things in yout life ever.
2.-Forward thinking can help you to have a future vision.