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vocabulary 1 unit 4
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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ozurdex is an implant that is injected into the eye.
Cogeneration for greenhouses begins to implant in Murcia and Almeria
This is the page of Humanoid font.
Humanoid robots face off during a Robo-One tournament.
Computarized graphic reconstruction
Proposal of an Automated National Registry of Dementias in Cuba
Automated messages from Facebook identified the message as spam.
Prepare an assembly line of all your ingredients.
Who's ready for the diaper assembly line, huh?
It's the first Artificial intelligence for 3D printing.
Artificial intelligence will aid humans to make better decisions
Analyze what content performs best for any topic or competitor.
Sys Probe - Analyze your computer and gather detailed information.
Algorithm for inclusion and follow-up of patients in the study.
Reset the MaxIterations and Algorithm options to their default values.
Today, our struggle against the Anthem's world-changing power continues.
I also believe that a world-changing event could occur.
Three-dimensional space is a property of our material perception.
Three-dimensional image can be converted into a very vibrant.
Self-sufficient, both families live there according to their own rules and principles.
Self-sufficient in 360 degree communication to implement the project.
Self-driving cars are also still many years from becoming mainstream.
Self-driving cars have revolutionised our lives.
Remote-controlled train that connects Terminal T4 with Terminal T4 Satellite.
Remote-controlled aircraft enjoy great popularity among teenagers and adults.
Mass-produced from 1941 and supplied to the U.K. under Lend-Lease.
Mass-produced dairy is gnarly, with all the hormones.
Human-like prints on rock are a mystery to scientists.
Human-like descriptions were simply meant to help us understand and relate to our Maker.
High-rise buildings and crowds were deliberately avoided.
High-rise buildings of the business district stand in the background of a park with a lake
Forward-thinking technology and a double head for preparing two coffees simultaneously.
Forward-thinking networks are key for corporate success.
Decision-making is more difficult when it involves a painful choice.
Decision-making in the Second Committee has traditionally been by consensus
From our headquarters in Valencia, we work with cutting-edge technologies
There's a lot of cutting-edge new technology in recycling.
1 computer-controlled, continuous-process stamping machines.
.2 Sometimes you're practically tripping over computer-controlled allies running aimlessly.