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Science Process Skills

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We grouped the apples according to size. What type of Science Process Skills is applied?
Cake is tastier than cookies. What type of Science Process Skills is applied?
The girl is crying. I guess she cried because she lost her pet. What type of Science Process Skills was applied?
John waited patiently for the pizza to arrive even if it is already 45 minutes. What Scientific Attitude does he have?
Sophy is recording a video so that she can post it on her Youtube Channel. What type of Science Process Skills is applied?
Mika is always persistent. She did not give up easily. What type of Scientific Attitude does she have?
Roy always tell the truth. What Scientific Attitude does Roy have?
Apple is healthier than pizza. What Science Process Skills is applied?
There is an ambulance in our neighborhood. I guess somebody get hurt. What type of Process Skills is applied?
We arranged the clothes according to colors. What Science Process Skills is applied?
The ice is so cold. Which sense is being used?
Sense of Touch
I love my pillow. It is so soft. What sense organ am I using to describe the pillow?
Our neighbor is so annoying. He plays loud music every morning. What sense organ am I using?
Mira said that the garbage can smells very bad. What sense organ is se using?
Justine described the different colors of the rainbow that he saw in the sky. What type of sense organ is he using?
The lemonade taste sour. What sense organ am I using?