Edit Game
Vocabulary 1 unit 4

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Self sufficient- Self sufficient cannabis growing doesn't get much simpler.
2. Teach them how to be self sufficient and to care for others. (Adjective
Humanoid- This is the page of Humanoid font.
2. Humanoid robots face off during a Robo-One tournament. (Adjective)
Self driving- The second factor will be self-driving technology.
2. The technology behind self-driving continues to improve and 2019 is going to be a big year for innovation. (Adjective)
Three dimensional- Three dimensional printing is usually done using digital technology material printers.
2. Three dimensional casting of ferrocement is extremely difficult. (Adjective)
Assembly line- Prepare an assembly line of all your ingredients.
2. Who's ready for the diaper assembly line, huh? (Noun)
Computarized- Computerised: Automatic work and stop, the special fault self-diagnosis.
2. Computerized Monitoring System (Adjective)
Mass produced- mass produced in any size for any load.
2. It became the first mass produced bean bag furniture. (Adjective)
Cutting-edge- Cutting-edge scientific advancements raise many practical and ethical questions.
2. Cutting-edge Fashions, play free Dress Up games online. (Adjective)
Implant- Do you want to rent a car with Europcar in Audincourt Implant Faurecia?
2.Do you want to rent a car with Sixt in Kassel BMW Implant? (noun)
Artificial intelligence- Artificial intelligence has captured our collective imagination for decades.
2. Artificial intelligence is the next phase of the digital revolution. (noun)
Algorithm- Algorithm for inclusion and follow-up of patients in the study.
2. Reset the MaxIterations and Algorithm options to their default values.(noun)
Analyze- Analyze what content performs best for any topic or competitor.
2. Sys Probe - Analyze your computer and gather detailed information.(verb)
Human-like- Human-like prints on rock are a mystery to scientists.
2. Human-like descriptions were simply meant to help us understand and relate to our Maker. (Adjective)
Automated- Proposal of an Automated National Registry of Dementias in Cuba.
2. Automated payment to your suppliers in the manner you specify. Adjective)
High-rise- High-rise buildings and crowds were deliberately avoided.
2. High-rise buildings of the business district stand in the background of a park with a lake. (Adjective)
World changing- Is wired world changing how we think?
2. Was the world changing? (adjetive)
Decision-making- Decision-making is more difficult when it involves a painful choice.
2. Decision-making in the Second Committee has traditionally been by consensus.(Adjective)
Remote-controlled- Remote-controlled aircraft enjoy great popularity among teenagers and adults.
2. This might look like a remote-controlled toy, but it is not. (Adjective)
Forward-thinking- Forward-thinking technology and a double head for preparing two coffees simultaneously.
2.Forward-thinking networks are key for corporate success. (Adjective)
Computer-controlled- I t was the first ever telescope to have a computer-controlled main mirror.
2. It also has very sophisticated computer-controlled suspension.(adjetive)