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vocabulary 1

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1. This person Analyce his cellphone
2. My parents analyze a car
1. This game is in dimensional
2. The dimensional is very realistic
1. The TV has a remote-controlled
2. The air Pods has a remote-controlled
1. The Mayans were self sufficient.
2. The Aztecas were self-sufficient.
1. The car is mass-produced
2. The cellphones is mass-produced
1. animals get a GPS implant
2. a myth was that the covid vaccine had an implant
1. The robot sofia is a humanoid
2. The astroboy is a humanoid
1. The Microsoft is a cutting-edge
2. The car Tesla is cutting-edge
1. This robot is computer-controlled
2. The laptop is computer-controlled central
1. This machine is computerized
2. The industrial machine is computerized
1. This video game is a artificial intelligence
2. This person is a artificial intelligence
1. This is a automated bird
2.This is a car automated
1. This is a huge high-rise
2. The Burj khalifa is a high rise
1. This person decision making
2. My brother decision-making
1. This person changing
2. The second world war had an impact on humanity
1. The algorithm is 101101
2. Any algorithm has a number 2,3,4,5
1. this person has forward-thinking
2. A forward-thinking teacher
1. The tesla is self-driving
2. The car band Bentley in 2027 they are going to take out a car self-driving
1. This business has 2 assembly line
2. This business has 42 assembly lines
1. This robot is human-like
2. This is a human o robot is human-like