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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When I am wanting to advocate for an issue, I write my representative.
When I WANT to advocate for an issue, I write my representative.
Votings were an important civil right.
VOTING IS an important civil right.
Presidential candidates likes to debate before the election.
Presidential candidates LIKE to debate before the election.
Sharecroppers only earns a small amount of what they grew.
Sharecroppers only EARNED a small amount of what they grew.
Fannie Lou Hamer was lots of courage to fight for Black voters' rights.
Fannie Lou Hamer HAD lots of courage to fight for Black voters' rights.
Under Jim Crow laws, there was no segregation.
Under Jim Crow laws, there WAS segregation.
Before I invest, I want to pay off my debit.
Before I invest, I want to pay off my DEBT.
Having a lot of credit card debt can making it hard to start a business.
Having a lot of credit card debt can MAKE it hard to start a business.
We all needing to advocate for things we believe in.
We all NEED to advocate for things we believe in.
President Obama won the debate because she had lots of specific information.
President Obama won the debate because HE had lots of specific information.
There are many good reason to recycle.
There are many good REASONS to recycle.
The politican were very convincing.
The politician WAS very convincing.