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CNA Classroom Rules

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can we use our cellphones during class?
Absolutely N-O-T!! :)
How do you receive 2 dollars?
What does teacher (and other students) do when someone raise their open hand?
When teacher raises her CLOSED HAND students make _ _ _ _ _ _ _
What do we do when class is over?
Wait for homework instructions + Pack up our things + Clean the class
When can I go to the restroom?
Before the class and at break time!
You need to go to the bathroom... what do you do/say?
"May/Can I go to the bathroom?"
You don't have a pencil... what do you do/say?
Teacher/Classmate's name, can you lend me a pencil?
What do I do when I miss a class?
CNA NET: Professor Online + Áudios Files
(Everyone in the group) touch something BLUE in 30 seconds
(Everyone in the group) touch something YELLOW in 30 seconds
(Everyone in the group) touch something GREEN in 30 seconds
How do you receive 5 dollars?
(9,5 to 10,00 in the HOMEWORK = 5 DOLLARS)
How do you receive 1 dollar?
What's in the first page of CNA's books?
Cna Net's code
We finished Unit 2... What do you have to do?
We have to do the homework and weblessons!
When does Teacher Nathy bring your corrected homework?
After 7 days/1 week
How many days do you have to do the homework?
7 days/1 week