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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When the cat appeared, the bird flew away, as quick as a _____
I`m so delighted with my new computer. It works like a ____
Sorry I didn't answer your phone calls last night. I must have slept like a ____
Pass that bottle to me, I can drink this like a ____because it is my favorite drink.
My daughter started worrying she was fat despite being as thin as a ____, a keen gymnast and athlete.
The old man was deaf as a _____, it was impossible to whisper to him
I was so worried that Sarah's little girl was going to be scared of the animals at the zoo, but she was as good as _____.
I saw him running off towards the sports field white as a ____
A person whose eyesight is extremely weak, might be called as blind as a
High up in the sky in a balloon, you might feel as free as a _____
Don't expect that she'll change her mind. She's as stubborn as a ______
We can’t leave until we find my glasses. I’m _____ without them.
as blind as a bat
Nick: I know your wife said she wouldn’t come to the party if we invited Harriet, but can’t you convince her? Adrian: I’ll try, but she’s _____. I doubt I’ll be able to change her mind.
as stubborn as a mule
Claire: I’m so excited to start here! Any tips for how to get on the boss’s good side? Frank: I think the secret is making sure you look _____ when he comes around. When he’s out in the field, I don’t do much.
as busy as a bee