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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You provide electricity, WIFI and running water. -> Electricity, WIFI and running water ...
are provided
You offer volunteers a room in a shared house. -> ... a room in a shared house.
Volunteers are offered
You can consider me a 4th year student. -> ... a 4th year student.
I can be considered as
You can accept only students in their 4th year of medical school. -> Only students in their 4th year of medical school ...
can be accepted
You do not mention the maximum duration of your program. -> The maximum duration of your program ...
isn't mentioned
You have advertise a medical volunteering on your website. -> A medical volunteer ... on your website.
has to be advertised
When does the program start? -> Could you tell me ... ?
when the program started
When should I apply for the program? -> Would you mind telling me ... ?
when I should apply for the program
Is it possible to stay with a local family? -> I would like to know if ... with a local family,
it was possible to stay
How much does accommodation cost? -> Could you please tell me ... ?
how much accommodation cost
Can third-year students apply for this program? -> I would like to know if ... this program.
third-year students could apply
Can volunteers stay for a period of six months? -> I would appreciate it if you could tell me whether ... for a period of six months.
volunteers could stay