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G10: Ballpoint Pen

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Always raise your hand when Teacher asks for a volunteer
Speak English for the next 15
Always say no for the rest of the lesson
Always say Yes for the rest of the lesson
Skip leg everywhere you go for the next 15 minutes
Patrick Frawley: achieved international success with his pen
It was an immediate success, and within a few years, Papermates were selling in their millions around the world.
Milton Reynolds: sold the first ballpoint pens in North America.
It was a North American, Milton Reynolds, who introduced the ballpoint pen to the USA. Copying Biro's design, he produced the version that sold so well at Gimb
Augustine Justo: asked someone to start a business in his country.
Justo was so impressed with Biro's invention that he invited him to set up a factory in Argentina
Ladislas Biro: wanted to make his job easier
a newspaper editor in Hungary thought he spent too much time filling his pens with ink
John Loud: invented the first pen with a rolling ball
John Loud, a leather manufacturer, had invented a pen with a reservoir of ink and a rolling ball
Patrick Frawley's pen
t was an immediate success, and within a few years, Papermates were selling in their millions around the world.
Biro's first commercially-produced pen
By chance, Biro met Augustine Justo, the Argentinian president. Justo was so impressed with Biro's invention that he invited him to set up a factory in Argentin
Why was Ladislas Biro's pen better than earlier models?
With the help of his brother who was a chemist, he produced a ballpoint pen that didn't leak when the pen wasn't being used.
Why were early ballpoint pens not produced commercially?
The main problem was with the ink. If it was too thin the ink leaked out of the pen. If it was too thick, it didn't come out of the pen at all.
People went to Gimbels
Gmbels had placed a full-page advertisement in the New York times for a wonderful new invention, the ballpoint pen