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Alarm: It is a device that makes a noise to wake up.
NOUN. I leave the alarm to wake up early.
Kangaroo: Herbivorous mammal up to 3 m long (including tail), small head, long ears, highly developed hind legs.
NOUN. How cute is that kangaroo.
Midnight: Lliterally the center of the night, is the hour arbitrarily designated to determine the end of one day and the beginning of the next in some cultures, mainly Western.
NOUN. It's already midnight.
Hyena: Mammal of the order Carnivores, 100 to 160 cm long and somewhat similar in appearance to a dog, with hind legs shorter than the front ones, long neck, and coarse gray hair.
NOUN. I saw the lion king movie and hyenas appear in that movie.
Hippo: It is a large, fundamentally herbivorous, artiodactyl mammal that lives in sub-Saharan Africa.
NOUN. The hippo is very heavy.
Snake: Wild animal that is very poisonous and that is used to catch its prey.
NOUN. How ugly that snake.
Monkey: Animal that eats a lot of bananas and lives in trees.
NOUN. I like monkey and I would also like to pet them.
Lion: Wild animal that lives in the savannahs and is from the feline family.
NOUN. The lion is very big.
Zebra: Equine mammal smaller than the horse, with short white or yellowish hair, with transverse and inclined brown or black stripes, short mane and long tail with a tuft of bristles at the tip; It lives in the African savannah.
NOUN. I love the zebra.
Zoo: Area where many species of animals live.
NOUN. I went to the zoo yesterday because it was my birthday.
Poach: Illegally holding or killing an animal.
VERB. They poach the elephant.
Capture: It is putting an animal in captivity.
NOUN. We capture my rooster.
Wild: [animal] That is not domesticated and lives in freedom.
ADJECTIVE. That lion is very wild.
Species: Group of people or things similar to each other by having one or more common characteristics.
NOUN. I like all species of animals.
Refuge: Place that serves to protect oneself from danger.
NOUN. Every year there is a civil war and that is why we have to go to a refuge.
Habitat: Set of physical and geographical factors that affect the development of a given individual, population, species or group of species.
NOUN. You have to respect the habitat of animals.
Deforestation: Extinction of trees in a forest.
NOUN. Deforestation is increasingly damaging our country.
Creature: It is a mythological animal.
NOUN. The creature is very angry because they don't let it go to their planet.
Captivity: Deprivation of liberty to non-domestic animals.
NOUN. The pigeons are sad because they are in captivity.