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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say the sound /Ê’/ and give 1 example
garage, massage, Asia,........
Say the sound /ʃ/ and give 1 example
sure, cash, sugar, shorts,...
Say the sound /z/ and give 1 example
zoo, eyes, prize,...
Say the sound /s/ and give 1 example
sea, soup, ice,...
How often do you read the newspaper / watch TV?
I read the newspaper/watch TV ....... a week.
What do you do every Saturday?
I ............ every Saturaday
What do you do every evening?
I ........... every evening.
What do you do every morning?
I .... ..... every morning.
When do you wake up everyday?
I wake up at....
Say the sound /b/ and give 1 example
boat, baby, bear, bored
Say the sound /p/ and give 1 example
pin, cap, pen, tap, paper,...
Say the sound /g/ and give 1 example
goat, gold, bag, pig, game,...
Say the sound /k/ and give 1 example
coat, cold, pack, keep,...
Say the sound /d/ and give 1 example
dear, dip, dance, seed, sad,...
Say the sound /t/ and give 1 example
tip, seat, top, toe,...
Say the sound /v/ and give 1 example
village, save, vision, very,...
Say the sound /f/ and give 1 example
fan. leaf, cough, fifteen,...
How ____ ____ _____ ____ to do your homework? -> It takes about 40 minutes
How long does it take to do your homework?
If you go out on a hot day, you need to ____ some water.
If you go out on a hot day, you need to TAKE some water.
At the end of the course, we need to ___ ____ exam.
At the end of the course, we need to take an exam.
How long does it take you to go to school everyday?
It takes me .... minutes
What do you take with you when it's raining?
I take an umbrella with me