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SS8G1: Georgia's Geography

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Physical Feature that protects Georgia's mainland from storms and erosion.
Barrier Islands
Physical Feature that makes up part of Georgia's border with Alabama and is longest _______ in the state.
Chattahoochee River
Physical Feature that is the Largest Freshwater Wetland in Georgia
Okefenokee Swamp
Physical Feature that makes up part of border with South Carolina and is important for shipping industry.
Savannah River
Physical Feature that separates the Piedmont and Coastal Plain region. A sudden drop in elevation creates waterfalls.
Fall Line
Region of Georgia with the coolest climate due to higher elevations. Very Mountainous region.
Blue Ridge
What Region of Georgia is known for manufacturing carpet and textiles. Landscapes are high ridges and low valleys.
Ridge and Valley
Region located in the northwest corner of the state, smallest region of Georgia, and region with higher elevations
Appalachian Plateau
The most populated Region of Georgia. Carrollton and the capital of Atlanta are located in this region.
The largest Region of Georgia. Land is great for agriculture.
Coastal Plain
How many Regions does Georgia have?
5 Regions: Blue Ridge, Appalachian Plateau, Ridge/Valley, Piedmont, and Coastal Plain
Which region of the United States is Georgia located in?
What nation is Georgia a part of?
United States
What continent is Georgia a part of?
North America
What two hemispheres can Georgia be found in?
Northern, Western