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Health video quiz

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 3 tips from the video
Hydration, Exercise, Relationships, Sleep, nutrition and supplements.
Have a lot of close relationships can reduce your chances of premature by how much?
What was the topic of the last tip?
Personal relationships.
Which type of training is discussed?
resistance training
Which type of exercise improves your heart?
Cardiovascular exercise.
Tip 4 was about....
Getting exercise and being active
What are the possible health risks from a lack of sleep?
Obesity, heart disease, mental distress, high blood pressure, diabetes.
What is the recommended amount of sleep per night?
7 to 9 hours
How many adults don't sleep enough?
1 in 3
What was the third topic?
How can we help our body get the nutrients it needs?
Eating healthy foods or taking supplements
Vitamin D helps your body fight .....
Name some of the nutrients mentioned in the video?
vitamin A C & D, calcium, potassium, magnessium
What was the second topic discussed in the video?
Nutrition & Supplements
What was the first topic talked about in the video?
Name some of the benefits of staying hydrated
better sleep, improved mood, etc.....
How much water should we drink each day?
11 - 16 glasses of water a day
How many Americans suffer from dehydration?