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Resolving Conflicts

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Remember to listen more than ___________.
An example of a nonverbal response is...
A good communicator will...
Listen without interrupting
not look at the person
use negative language
When is it a good time to address conflict?
When all parties are calm and able to listen to one another.
When all parties are angry.
A conflict can be resolved in two ways, what are they?
What is empathy?
Putting yourself in another's shoes so you understand them.
A type of communication
Name one skill needed in a successful relationship.
communication skills
shopping skills
hugging skills
basketball skills
If you negotiate, you ______ with someone.
What is compromise?
Giving in on some points of a disagreement
Demanding that someone do as you say
A power struggle is?
trying to influence another person to do what you want
fighting on the ground
using your money to get what you want
One example of how to avoid conflict is....
Actively ignore
Provoke a fight
Walk away swearing
What is a mediator?
Someone who doesn't take sides and helps resolve a problem
Someone who helps in a fight
Someone who stands up for a friend in an argument
What is conflict?
disagreement between 2 or more people
Fight between strangers