Edit Game
Grade 5. Review U1+ 2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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8. How often does he do morning exercises? ( four times a week)
He does morning exercises four times a week.
5. ...................? I went there by underground
How did you go to the HCM city?
1. They usually ______________early and do morning exercises.
get up
3. Mary often _____________TV after dinner with her parents.
9. you/ school/ Who/ with/ to/do/ go/?
Who do you go to school with?
Mai went to see her grandparents by ____________
2. does / do / she / What / afternoon? / in / the.
What does she do in the afternoon
Tom usually ________________ in his free time.
watches TV
She sometimes goes shopping and________________ after school ( cook dinner)
cooks dinner
They usually get up early and _______________( do morning exercise)
do morning exercise.
like/ is/ What/ hometown/ your/?
What is your hometown like?
6. did/ go/ you/ holiday/ Where/ on/?
Where did you go on holiday?
4. Jenny: Who do you live ____? Cherry: I live ______parents.
6. a. small b. quiet c. noisy d. centre
small/ quiet/ village/ and/ The/ is
The village is small and quiet.
does/ she/ Who/ with/ live?
Who does she live with?
What is this?
It is a tower
___________________________? Yes, I did
Did you go on a picnic?